Privacy Statement

August 2024

  1. Introduction
    This is the Privacy Statement of Stichting NBD Biblion and its subsidiaries NBD Biblion Services B.V., NBD Biblion Technology Group B.V., Aura Software B.V. and Bookarang B.V. (hereinafter “NBD Biblion” or “we”). This Privacy Statement applies to all forms of processing of personal data for the purpose of NBD Biblion’s products and services. An overview of the products, services and websites to which this Privacy Statement applies can be found here. NBD Biblion acknowledges the importance of privacy and wants to make sure your personal data are well protected. We strive to process your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679; hereinafter the “GDPR”). In this Privacy Statement, we clarify (among other things) what types of data we process, in what manner, for what purposes and on what grounds. Furthermore, we explain what rights you have with regard to your data and how you can exercise these rights.
  2. Data controller and contact
    All NBD Biblion entities mentioned in the introduction to this Privacy Statement are independently responsible for the use of your personal data.  If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the processing of your personal data, you can submit them via email to or via regular mail to NBD Biblion, FAO Management Secretariat, PO Box 7454, 2701 AL Zoetermeer.
  3. About NBD Biblion
    NBD Biblion provides a complete range of products and services that contribute to reading promotion and reading pleasure, and thus the success of libraries and (school) multimedia libraries. Furthermore, NBD Biblion has its own printing office and bindery as well as a specialised technology department. Among other things, NBD Biblion processes personal data for the purpose of the following services:
  • Media. NBD Biblion selects and provides various media for the collection of libraries and (school) multimedia libraries, such as books and audiovisual media. Furthermore, NBD Biblion provides materials and services needed for the management of libraries and (school) multimedia libraries, including collection services.
  • Data. NBD Biblion creates and publishes meta-information (purchasing information, analytical annotations), spine labels and presentation and shelving systems.
  • Digital products and services. Our digital services that we develop for libraries and schools to promote collection access and reading pleasure, such as:
    • Aura Software: library software for managing and lending all kinds of media and documentation for (school) libraries
    • Bibendo: a digital platform with digital solutions such as mobile games and virtual tours for libraries, providing an interactive customer experience
    • Biblioscoop: a service that makes it possible to stream films and documentaries
    • Literom and Uittrekselbank: databases with reviews, extracts and additional information about books and writers that students can access at school, in the library and at home
    • Leestipper, WelkBoek and WelkThema: our products for innovative collection access that helps the reader find books from the collection in an accessible and innovative way
    • Skillsdojo: a digital platform with video-based lessons on the digital skills of the future
    • Courses. NBD Biblion offers various courses on the themes of reading pleasure and the collection.
    • Printing and binding. NBD Biblion handles every aspect of a book’s publication for a large number of authors and publishers. Upon request, we also provide these services to private individuals.
    • Mechanical engineering. NBD Biblion develops, builds and maintains machines for binderies, the graphics industry and libraries in the Netherlands and abroad.
    • Online store. Our sales channel for (school) libraries
  1. Collection and processing of personal data
    NBD Biblion gathers personal data in various ways and uses these data for diverse purposes. Personal data are data with which you can be directly or indirectly identified. Most of NBD Biblion’s products and services are exclusively intended for business clients (e.g. libraries, schools or other institutions). Data concerning a legal entity’s contact or representative are often personal data. Similarly, data concerning a business without a legal personality, such as a one-man business, can be classified as personal data. Certain services offered by NBD Biblion may be used by visitors, members and/or students of libraries or schools or other private end users. In that case, NBD Biblion may process personal data of private users. This includes the Aura Software, Bibendo, Biblioscoop and Leestipper services.  This also applies, for example, to participants in courses. Below, for each purpose for which NBD Biblion processes personal data, it is indicated which personal data NBD Biblion processes for that purpose, on what basis and how NBD Biblion obtains those personal data.

    NBD Biblion does not make automated decisions on matters that can have (significant) consequences for persons on the basis of automated processing. There is therefore no question of profiling within the meaning of the GDPR.

    Use and delivery of products, services and/or subscriptions
    When you (whether or not on behalf of your organisation) purchase or use one or more of NBD Biblion’s products or services or take out a subscription to one or more of our databases, we process contact information (including your name, address, job title, telephone number and email address) and your or your organisation’s transaction information (including bank and payment information, billing information and delivery addresses).

    Furthermore, we process certain types of data concerning the use of our products and/or services, such as the status of your or your organisation’s order(s) / subscription(s) and the data shared with us for that purpose.

    We use these data to process your request, deliver products and/or perform services, contact you, process payments, send invoices and inform you about changes to our products or services. The legal basis for this is the execution of the agreement with you or our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the organisation for which you work.

    We may also use certain data for analysis and optimisation purposes. For example, we use cookies to optimise our website and services. You can find more information about our use of cookies under the header “Visiting an NBD Biblion website” (below) and in our Cookie Statement. The latter also outlines how you can change your settings if you wish to reject certain cookies. The legal basis for this is NBD Biblion’s legitimate interest in understanding how clients use our services, so we can improve and optimise them.

    For certain services that we offer to private end users, what data is used, on what basis and for what purpose is specifically described below.

    Creating and using an account
    Some of NBD Biblion’s products and/or services are only available if you (or your organisation) have an account and a client number. Having an account gives you or your organisation access to the order system and/or other online services.

    When you create an account, you enter certain (personal) details, such as your name and job title, the name of the organisation, its address, telephone number, email address, the delivery address (if that differs from the postal address), the billing address (if that differs from the postal address) and a password. In some cases, you must also provide Chamber of Commerce and VAT numbers. You can also select certain preferences and/or wishes.

    We use these data to create your account, grant you access to our order environment and/or one of our digital products and services and to process changes. The basis for processing your personal data in this context is the execution of the agreement with you, our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the organisation for which you work and/or your consent.

    Use of goods/services by NBD Biblion
    When we use goods and/or services from suppliers and/or service providers, we process personal data concerning these suppliers and/or service providers, in particular concerning the people working for them. This includes name, address and contact information, Chamber of Commerce number, VAT number, payment and bank information and information concerning the order/service in question.

    We use these data to place orders or use services and for payment and administrative purposes. The basis is the execution of the agreement with the supplier/service provider in question or our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the supplier/service provider for which you work.

    Visiting an NBD Biblion website
    NBD Biblion offers various websites. We use functional and technical cookies to ensure our websites function and perform well. With these cookies, we can process your IP address and browser (the computer software you use to browse the internet), what operating system you use and what pages on our website you visit.

    Among other things, we do this to improve the user-friendliness of our websites and secure them, optimise your experience with our services and so we can recognise you during subsequent visits. The legal basis for this is the legitimate interest of NBD Biblion and/or third parties in ensuring that NBD Biblion’s websites and services function properly.

    We also use analytical cookies and similar technologies. We do this to improve the user-friendliness of our website and to gather information about the use of and visits to our website, so NBD Biblion can further optimise its website and we can gain more insight into the reach and effect of our campaigns. We also use cookies to ensure you can share the content of our websites via social media and to personalise information for you, as well as for marketing purposes (social media and marketing cookies).

    The legal basis for processing personal data obtained through cookies and similar technologies is our legitimate interest in optimising our website and business activities or your consent (which we will ask for when necessary). You can read more about what cookies are used for what purposes and by which parties in our Cookie Statement.

    Purchase information texts, extracts and author profiles
    We gather the following personal data concerning (freelance / self-employed) authors who write purchase information texts, extracts and/or author profiles for NBD Biblion: Name and address, bank account number, email address, CV and any preferences and genres.

    NBD Biblion uses these data to assign and send books to authors and to process payments. The legal basis for this is the execution of the agreement with authors.

    Contact with customer service
    When you contact our customer service department, you must provide certain contact information. We use this information to handle your request or question and for the purpose of executing our agreement with you or the organisation for which you work. We may store your question in order to be of better service to you in the future and to improve our products and services, on the basis of NBD Biblion’s legitimate interest in providing and improving its services.

    Participating in client panel / surveys
    If you are part of one of NBD Biblion’s client panels or take part in one of NBD Biblion’s surveys, we will process, among other things, your contact information and your input with regard to the service or product in question.

    We use the results of these panels and surveys to improve our products and services. The legal basis for this processing is the execution of the agreement with you or our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the organisation for which you work.

    Communication from NBD Biblion
    You can sign up for one or more of NBD Biblion’s newsletters and themed emails via our website. With these messages, we keep you up to date on the latest news, the most recent collections and interesting themes. By signing up, you give NBD Biblion permission to send you information via email. You can choose what services and themes you wish to receive information about. If you no longer wish to receive any newsletters/mailings, you can opt out at any time using the opt-out link found at the bottom of every message.

    You cannot opt out of receiving messages pertaining to your orders or other essential service messages (based on the execution of the agreement with you or the organisation for which you work). If you are an existing client/subscriber of NBD Biblion, we may send you information about NBD Biblion and similar products or services you may be interested in, unless you indicated at the time of purchase that you do not wish to receive such messages. The legal basis for this is a legitimate interest in sending you marketing information.

    Social media
    NBD Biblion can be found on various social media platforms, including LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram. If you follow us on social media, we may gain access to part of your profile information. NBD Biblion can track how often NBD Biblion’s page or one of its posts was liked and/or shared via social media.

    The purpose of this processing is to map out the reach of NBD Biblion’s activities on social media and to improve them. The legal basis is NBD Biblion’s legitimate interest in improving its social media activities.

    Use of digital services and online store
    In the context of your use of Bibendo, the following are processed: Name, Apple ID or Google ID, your email address and other information or correspondence voluntarily provided by you, any visual material in which you can be seen (if uploaded by you), data about the use of your account (time of creation and last login), your actions in a game, your IP address and information collected through cookies (for more information about the cookies deployed when using Bibendo, please refer to the Cookie Statement). Use of Bibendo is also possible without using an account. When Bibendo is used without using an account, only your actions in a game, your IP address and information collected through cookies are processed.

    NBD Biblion processes these personal data in order to enable participation in Bibendo (based on the execution of our agreement with you or our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the organisation for which you enter into the agreement) and to be able to carry out data analyses (based on our legitimate interests).

    For the use of Biblioscoop, various account data (your user name, email address, your password, your library and your card number) and information collected through cookies (such as your IP address, information about your browser and your visit to our website – for further details, please refer to the Cookie Statement) are processed.

    These data are processed to create your account and grant you access to Biblioscoop (based on our legitimate interest in executing our agreement with the organisation that enables you to use our services), to carry out data analyses or to improve our services (based on our legitimate interests). If you wish, you can also register your name and year of birth.

    Databases: Literom and Uittrekselbank
    The IP address of institutions is used to grant access to Literom and Uittrekselbank if permission has been given. 

    In the context of Leestipper, NBD Biblion processes the following personal data: your email address, your book preferences and your library. These personal data are processed in order to be able to offer Leestipper to you (based on the execution of the agreement with the organisation that enables you to use our services).

    For the use of our Skillsdojo service, we process first name, surname, email address, your organisation and position. We need this information to create a (demo) account for Skillsdojo and to send a newsletter. The basis is the execution of the agreement with the organisation that enables you to use our services.

    Online store
    It is only possible to purchase products and/or services within the NBD Biblion online store if you (or your organisation) have an account and a client number. Having an account gives you or your organisation access to the order system and/or other online services. When creating an account for yourself or your organisation, you are asked to enter certain (personal) information. This includes the name and job title of our contact, the name of your organisation, its address, telephone number and email address, the delivery address (if that differs from the postal address) and the billing address (if that differs from the postal address). In some cases, you must also provide Chamber of Commerce and VAT numbers. You can also select certain preferences and/or wishes.

    We use these data to create your account, grant you access to the order environment and to process changes. In this context, the basis for processing your personal data is the execution of the agreement with your organisation or the organisation for which you work and/or your consent.
  2. Storage periods
    NBD Biblion will not store personal data any longer than necessary for the purposes for which these data are collected or processed, unless it is necessary to store data for longer to meet a legal obligation or due to our legitimate interest, for example in the context of a dispute or when you give permission for us to do so.

    Specifically, we employ the following data storage periods:(Account) information concerning buyers (clients) and subscribers is stored for up to two years after the end of our relationship (from the moment the account becomes inactive).
  • For inactive users with an account, we employ a storage period of two years, after which a reminder is sent to ask the person in question if they wish to continue using their account, along with a period within which they can respond. If they fail to respond in time, the personal data associated with the account in question will be deleted.
  • An account for certain products/services can be deleted at the time that our agreement with, for example, a library or school expires.
  • Information concerning suppliers is stored for up to two years after the end of our relationship (the last order).
  • Personal data concerning authors and reviewers are stored for up to seven years after the end of our relationship.
  • For cookies and similar technologies, we employ a retention period of no more than three (3) months. (Personal) data collected through cookies, e.g. information concerning your internet usage, are also stored for a period of no more than three (3) months.
  • If you have signed up for one or more of our newsletters, we will store your contact information until you opt out of receiving our newsletters. For existing clients, we employ a storage period of one year after inactivity.
  • We employ a storage period of no more than two years for data gathered for purposes such as delivering products and services, sending invoices, processing orders and informing you about the status of your order.
  • When you contact our customer service department, we will store your personal data for up to one year after your final contact with us.
  • When you take part in a survey or client panel, the information you provide will be stored for up to two years. Your contact information will be stored until you opt out of taking part in the client panel. Surveys conducted via SurveyMonkey have a one-year storage period, after which the data in question are anonymised.
  • Data concerning the use of our newsletters and mailings, including open and click behaviour, are anonymised after 12 months.
  • Via social media, we only gather data concerning existing accounts/clients. These data are stored for two years after the end of our relationship.
  • In exceptional cases, we may retain data for longer if there is a legal obligation to retain it or due to our legitimate interest, for example in the context of a dispute.
  1. Sharing data with third parties
    Business group
    Companies that are part of the NBD Biblion group, which in addition to Stichting NBD Biblion are NBD Biblion Services B.V., NBD Biblion Technology Group B.V., Bookarang B.V. and Aura Software B.V., may grant each other access to your data on the grounds of NBD Biblion’s legitimate interest in ensuring efficient and effective business operations. All business units that form part of NBD Biblion’s organisation will offer the same level of data security. Among other things, the companies that are part of NBD Biblion may use your personal data for the purpose of executing the agreement(s) with and providing products and services to you or the organisation for which you work.

    Libraries that have purchased products or services from NBD Biblion may gain access to the Platform to view usage statistics of Games. With some games (for example from Bibendo), the actions in a game are also visible, such as the answers given and photos/videos you take. The usernames of the players are also visible. In other cases, access to user statistics is granted at an aggregated level. If you would like to obtain more information about this for a specific product or service, you can contact us via the contact details below. 

    NBD Biblion is not responsible for the handling of your personal data by the library that provides you with actual access to our digital services. For more information about how the library handles your personal data, we refer to the privacy statement of the relevant library.

    Data processors
    NBD Biblion may use the services of third parties to process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. In such cases, these third parties act as data processors on behalf of NBD Biblion. NBD Biblion ensures that these parties offer adequate safeguards with regard to the technical and organisational security measures being taken. Third parties that act as data processors on behalf of NBD Biblion have signed a data processing agreement with NBD Biblion, which states, among other things, that they will only process your personal data at NBD Biblion’s request.

    Your data may also be shared with third parties because we have to execute an agreement with you or your organisation or when this is necessary in order to honour our agreements with you or your organisation. Furthermore, we may share your data with parties we collaborate with in order to provide our services.

    NBD Biblion may also allow other companies to gain insight into your visits to our website through the use of third-party cookies (with your permission where necessary). For more information about our use of third-party cookies, please consult our Cookie Statement. NBD Biblion may also provide services in collaboration with other parties. To deliver your orders in accordance with the delivery method you selected and to send you email notifications regarding the status of the delivery, your contact information and delivery address are shared with the courier in question. The courier is involved in the execution of the agreement with you as an independently responsible party. Other parties may also be involved in the execution of an agreement with you or the provision of our products or services as independent data controllers or as joint data controllers together with NBD Biblion. You will be informed of this when you use a service for which this is the case.

    In all other cases, NBD Biblion will only share your data with third parties with your explicit permission, or if NBD Biblion is required to do so on legal or regulatory grounds as a result of legal action and/or if NBD Biblion deems it necessary in order to protect its own interests and/or the interests of third parties.

    NBD Biblion is not responsible (without prejudice to the agreements to be made with data processors) for the handling of your personal data by third parties. For more information about how third parties handle your personal data, please refer to the privacy statement of the relevant party.
  2. Data security
    NBD Biblion takes appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data against loss, unauthorised access or modification and undesired publication. Your personal data can only be accessed by persons who require this as part of their role. The persons in question all have a confidentiality obligation. 

    If, despite the security measures, there is still a security incident (data leak) that is likely to have adverse consequences for your privacy, we will inform you of the incident as soon as possible. We will therefore inform you about the measures we have taken to limit the consequences and prevent a recurrence in the future. If you unexpectedly find a security breach or have a suspicion that the security of your personal data is not properly guaranteed, we ask you to contact us directly.
  3. Processing within Europe
    NBD Biblion may use the services of third parties to process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. In principle, NBD Biblion uses (cloud) solutions that are hosted in Europe. However, the parties in question may be based outside the European Union or may (in future) use servers located outside the European Union.

    In order to safeguard your privacy, NBD Biblion will only share your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations for sharing personal data with countries outside the European Union. This means that NBD Biblion will only share your personal data with third countries if the European Commission has ruled that the third country in question guarantees an appropriate level of data security and/or if other appropriate safeguards are offered, such as unmodified standard provisions concerning data security that have been approved by the European Commission along with additional measures, if necessary. These can be found here.

    The scope of the right to protection of personal data may be limited in these countries compared to the European Union. If necessary, we will ask for your consent before sharing your personal data.
  4. Your rights
    You have the following rights with regard to the personal data concerning you which NBD Biblion processes:
  • Access and rectification. You can ask us to provide insight into what personal data concerning you are processed by NBD Biblion, for what purposes and with whom they have been shared and/or ask us to change or rectify them.
  • Erasure. If you want NBD Biblion to erase your personal data and/or delete your account, you can submit a request to that end. After complying with your deletion request, NBD Biblion may retain some personal data concerning you, e.g. if these data are needed to process orders you have placed or if NBD Biblion has a legal obligation to retain or a legitimate interest in retaining these data.
  • Objection. You can object to the processing of your personal data at any time, for example if you believe that the use of your personal data is not necessary for the performance of our activities or to comply with a legal obligation. You can also object to the use of your data for marketing purposes. If you exercise this right, we will not send you any (more) marketing information. Any newsletters and mailings you receive from us, for example, also include an opt-out link.
  • Restriction of processing. You can ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data if you have a legitimate reason for this, e.g. if you believe that we are processing your personal data illegitimately or improperly or if you object to NBD Biblion’s processing of personal data.
  • Data portability. In certain cases, you have the right to transfer your personal data or have your personal data transferred to another party in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Revoking consent. When your personal data are processed with your (explicit) consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time, without prejudice to the legitimacy of the processing of your personal data with your consent before it was revoked.

You can access your personal data via your Account (if applicable). If you would like to make the requests listed above, you can contact us at or by mail at PO Box 7454, 2701 AL Zoetermeer. Please indicate which organisation, which product or service and which personal data are involved. We may ask for further information to identify you. In principle, you will receive a response within one month of us receiving the request. For technical reasons, we cannot (always) delete all copies of the personal data (immediately) from our systems and backup systems. We may also refuse to comply with the aforementioned requests if we have a compelling, legitimate interest in not complying with your request, which outweighs your privacy interest, if these requests are made unreasonably frequently, require unreasonably burdensome technical efforts or have unreasonably burdensome technical consequences for our systems or endanger the privacy of others.

If you are not satisfied with the processing of your personal data and/or NBD Biblion’s response to your request or objection, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

If you discover or suspect that your minor child has provided us with personal information without your consent, NBD Biblion requests that you contact us at Upon request, NBD Biblion will then strive to delete the processed personal data where reasonably possible. 

  1. Transfer of business
    In the future, one or more of NBD Biblion’s business units or assets may be transferred to a third party or NBD Biblion may merge with a third party. In that case, your personal data may also be transferred to this third party. In such cases, NBD Biblion will always notify you in advance and, where necessary, we will ask for your consent.
  2. Changes to this Privacy Statement
    NBD Biblion may amend or update this Privacy Statement from time to time. Amendments to this Privacy Statement take effect when they are published on our website or in our apps. We therefore recommend consulting this Privacy Statement regularly so that you are aware of any changes. If these adjustments are of significant importance to you, we will inform you accordingly.

Can we help you?

Do you have a question? Our staff are happy to help. They will offer advice when needed and help you find the right machine for you.

Contact us