
Stacks products with similar or different dimensions
Stacker NBD TG NEW
Stacker NBD TG

About the Stacker

The Stacker can stack products, e.g. books, envelopes or boxes, with similar or different dimensions. The Stacker will increase the transport system's buffer capacity five to ten times, depending on the products being processed. The operator can select a stack height of up to ten products. When selecting a height of only one product, the Stacker instead functions like a conventional conveyor belt. The machine operates independently.

Technical specifications

Boek Minimum Maximum
Thickness 2 mm 80 mm
Width 80 m 350 mm
Height 100 mm 400 mm
Stack height 1 book 10 books
Processing time (single cycle) 1.000/ 2.000 per hour*
Power 230V, 10A
Air 6 bar dry air
Machine dimensions 1.100 x 510 mm
Weight 127 kg

Using the Stacker

The Stacker can be used in multiple ways. It can be placed behind various machines, possibly with height modifications or with added wheels. The Stacker was designed to operate as a stand-alone machine or be connected to other machines. Think of e.g. the Easy-Plast or Multi-Plast. It can also be placed behind a trimming or binding machine.

Stacker 3 - 2023 - NBD B. TG

*The 1.000T and the 2.000T Stacker: the difference

There are two types of Stacker: the Stacker with 1,000 cycles per hour and the Stacker with 2,000 cycles per hour. The Stacker 1000T runs on compressed air with cylinders. The Stacker 2000T also has servomotors, making it faster and giving it increased processing capacity. The dimensions of both machines are the same.

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